• George Condo, Born in United States, 1957

    George Condo

    Born in United States, 1957
    Since the 1980s, George Condo has become a significant figure in contemporary art, known for his characteristic style of 'Artificial Realism', blending elements of traditional portraiture with a modern, surreal twist.
    By deconstructing familiar forms, he evokes unease, drawing comparisons to movements like Cubism and Surrealism while maintaining a distinctly modern edge. His ongoing experimentation with form continues to challenge traditional artistic boundaries, keeping him influential and relevant in the contemporary art world.
  • "The only way for me to feel the difference between every other artist and me is to use every artist to become me."


    - George Condo

    Condo’s art is distinguished by its remarkable ability to seamlessly blend influences from classical and abstract paintings, such as those of Goya or Picasso, with a fresh, expressive energy that feels uniquely contemporary. This fusion creates a visual language that bridges the gap between classical techniques and modern sensibilities, making his work timeless. His use of fragmented figures, bold colors, and distorted forms challenges traditional ideas of portraiture, while still paying homage to the artistic traditions of the past. This combination has captured the attention of diverse audiences as his pieces invite reflection through his uncanny depictions.
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    Off-Market // Unique Works

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