• Computer Drawings Market, How much are Hockney computer drawings worth in 2024?
    Image courtasey of Phillips London

    Computer Drawings Market

    How much are Hockney computer drawings worth in 2024?
    The 2008 Computer Drawing series has had mixed success over the years. The series is an important step in the evolution of Hockney's digital series, as it marks the turning point. Being made up of both portraits and landscapes, the series range in price from £20,000 to in excess of £300,000 depending upon edition. Within the private market, 'A Bigger Green Valley' and 'Autumn Leaves' have been the most in-demand but it has proven difficult to get buyers and sellers to align on price. The limited supply of the popular landscapes means that this market has been unable to develop the same level of momentum as the Arrival of Spring in Woldgate series. However, in the long term owning a Computer Drawings work may prove to be a trophy work for the most series of Hockney collectors. 
    By Jacob Harmer, Published 27th August 2024
  • "The portraits have proven harder to sell but the landscapes are in-demand, acting as a precursor to the Arrival of Spring Series"

    The Computer Drawings have experienced much success. Historically the portraits have proven difficult to find buyers and typically selling between $24,000 and $86,000 at auction. We have experienced much higher levels of private demand for the landscape works with A Bigger Green Valley currently holding the auction market record at £308,700. There has remained a significant misalignment in the private market of what buyers are prepared to pay and what owners will sell for which has made deals difficult to get over the line. Compared to other digital editions, the chances of a work being bought in at auction is significantly higher. 
  • Volatile Total Auction Revenue

    Volatile Total Auction Revenue

    Annual auction revenue for the Computer Drawings has been volatile over the years but with a general positive trajectory. The record years have usually been defined by a single large auction result. By example 2021 currently holds the record with total revenue of $585,738 but the 'A Bigger Green Valley' sale made up $434,482 of that. On the whole, the total market size of the Computer Drawings remains a small market relative to the other digital series. 
  • Stable Auction Market Supply

    Stable Auction Market Supply

    In recent years, roughly 4-6 computer drawings come to sale by auction each year. This is a similar quantity compared to the Arrival of Spring series. However, as the compositions of the works vary so much from the landscape to the portraits, this means less comparable sales are coming up each year. Good comparable sales are the key to inspiring confidence in a market and we believe this is why the Computer Drawings series have struggled to gain as much market momentum as some of the other digital series. 
  • Highlight Auction Sales

    • A BIGGER GREEN VALLEY 61 ' x 85' Phillips Auction Sale 14th June 2021 £308,700


      61 " x 85" 

      Phillips Auction Sale

      14th June 2021


    • CARDIGAN ROAD, BRID 39' X 28' Phillips Auction Sale 18th January 2023 £52,920


      39" X 28"

      Phillips Auction Sale

      18th January 2023


    • Less Trees Near Warter 93' x 42' Phillips Auction Sale 19th January 2022 £88,200

      Less Trees Near Warter

      93" x 42"

      Phillips Auction Sale

      19th January 2022


  • Computer Drawings

    Digital Drawings 2008
  • Arrival of Spring in Woldgate

    iPad Drawings 2011
  • Yosemite Suite

    iPad Drawings 2010-2011
  • My Normandy

    iPad Drawings 2020
  • 20 Flowers and some Bigger Pictures

    ipad drawings 2021
  • Current Feature Works